Page 16-17 - Hashalom March 2017(electronic)

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March 2017
Camp, everything you need to know and more...
Machaneh, an experience that will never be forgotten.
Machaneh16 was an experience that will not soon be forgotten by any of those who attended. The size of the machaneh simply meant that
every single one of the channichimot had an individual and unique experience. Each havdallah ended with scores of channichimot trying to
stay for even five more seconds of the unbelievable, unforgettable party on Kikar Rabin. Shabbatot were meaningful and relaxing, with one
Shabbat dinner concluding in a spontaneous machaneh wide Ruach session on Kikar led by the Shomrim channichim, where timeless songs
were sung and war cries were performed, leaving every person with a massive smile. Shomrim’s Project Week allowed them to engage with
channichim from across the campsite and get their first taste of hadracha (leadership) experience. The Sayarim Carnival was thoroughly
enjoyed by all, and Sollelim’s DJ Night was definitely one that will be spoken about for years. Machaneh16 was a time where timeless friends
were made, bonds were formed and memories were permanently imprinted on the forethought of every smile. The Onrus campsite once
again provided the perfect environment for the nurturing of Jewish youths, and engaged with them on topics that were both educational and
filled with fun. Whether it was on Kikar, on the beach or in their tents, the memories made on machaneh will never be forgotten.
Dylan Baitz
We arrived as friends and left as family
Where does one begin with Netzer Machaneh 2016? It was such an incredible two weeks jam packed with fun activities. We got to see old
faces and new! The camp did all sorts of things including the annual Tiyul, the views were breathtaking and it was all the more enjoyable
when surrounded by the Netzer family, even though although we momentarily got lost. Israel day was spent doing things like making pita
bread and playing life sized Monopoly all in order to save Theodore Herzl and Ben Gurion. Then of course there was the best Channies day
ever, this year was a Wild West theme where the maddies got to enjoy a day to themselves and Keshet ran a day where the channies learnt
how to dance like a Red Indian and what it was like to shoot water pistols like a cowboy! There was the infamous colour wars where the
two teams battled their way through the trials of impromptu acting, soccer and water tug-rope! Machaneh also included Tikkun Olam day,
Beach day, Seminar, Visitors day, obstacle courses, a disco, movie night and a magic show. All in all it was an unforgettable Machanehwhere
the channies came as friends and left as family. We can’t wait to see everyone again at the end of this year!
Aidan Francis
Bnei Akiva
The Machaneh Countdown has Begun…
At the end of last year, I had the privilege to attend my third unbelievable Bnei Akiva Machaneh. This year I was in Moledet, my naming year,
where we were given the name Orot, meaning “lights”, at a special ceremony, with much dancing, singing and ruach. It was probably my
best night on camp.
Something I look forward to every week of camp, is Shabbos, a very meaningful experience. It’s a time when channies from all different
shichvot, get to spend time together, sharing and keeping this special mitzvah.
The maddies put a huge amount of research and effort into our tochniot; and this year was no different. We learnt more about our homeland,
Israel, famous Jews through the ages, life lessons from the Torah and so much more. Although, the purpose of these tochniot is to teach us,
they are never boring because they are planned as fun activities with friends and our fabulous, caring maddies.
Believe it or not, I love camp food so much, that I sometimes still crave it! During every meal, we are enlightened with knowledge from
learned Rabbonim, maddies and channies, who provide a Dvar Torah to their chader-ochel, which is always food for thought!
Enlightening shiurim, Nissim Black and Matthew Mole’s unforgettable concerts were unbelievable, but the one aspect of camp that tops
it all, are the relationships and bonds formed over the three weeks. Living in Durban, where there is a relatively small Jewish Community, I
look forward, on camp, to making new friendships and rekindling old ones. I now look forward to my weekly Shabbos wishes from our camp
Whatsapp group, and can’t wait to go to Joburg or Cape Town to visit my awesome new camp friends.
The countdown in the Altshuler home has already begun for Bnei Akiva Machaneh 2017... Only 296 days to go!
Jaime Altshuler