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18 HASHALOM February
February 2017
Mitzvah Day - 27 November 2016
The Mitzvah Day 2016 beneficiary was Beth Shalom and an appeal went out to the community to contribute non-perishable items as
well as funds to purchase food stuffs for the residents. Kosher groceries to the value of around R5000 were donated and over R5700 was
raised in cash contributions. Jen Hackenbruch handed over the donations to Beth Shalom on behalf of the Executive. A special thank you
to everyone who donated so generously.
On Mitzvah Day, we give our time, not our money, to make a difference to the community around us. We introduce people to social action,
to their neighbours and to local charities setting up projects which address real needs. Jewish led, we bring people of all faiths together
to volunteer side by side with our community, getting to know each other while having fun.
We look forward to this year’s Mitzvah Day, and will share more details on the project closer to the time.
By Michelle Herr
Since its inception in 2013, WIZO stands next to The Shabbos Project as a pillar of support for this historic initiative. With pride we
anticipate that our international
Campaign, will go viral to many countries all over the world.
WIZO Durban once again endorsed this inspiring project by participating in the festive UJW Challah Bake and gifting all Jewish
households with Shabbos candles. In addition, as part of our
Campaign on Friday 11 November 2016 WIZO will
host the communal candle lighting at The Great Synagogue, Izinga Shul, Chabad and DPJC.
together we will be joining women around the world, lighting their Shabbat candles; giving tzedakah and saying
a special prayer for Israel and the Jewish people around the world.
“How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good dead in a weary world.”
William Shakespeare – The Merchant of Venice
Michelle Nathan
Contact us: 031-337 7070 | WIZO South Africa
< This was indeed a proud moment
and a most deserving honor for Tova
Ben-Dov being bestowed the title of
Honorary Fellow of the Zionist General
Council at the opening evening of the
120th World Zionist Organiazation Vaad
Hapoel meeting for her active role and
contribution to the Zionist Organization
and promoting its ideals.
Tova Ben Dov
Tova Ben Dov
Save The Date
Wednesday 22 March
@ 10.00 am
Durban Jewish Centre
For further information
call Viv 031 337 7070