Page 28-29 - Hashalom December (electronic)

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28 HASHALOM December
2016 / January 2017
2016 / January 2017
By Diane McColl
Despite its late arrival the Lulav was used during the week of Sukkot by Rabbi Avidan to give the
learners of the Temple David Hebrew School a lesson on the composition and significance of the
Lulav. The children were invited to recite the blessings for Sukkot, wave the Lulav and eat in the
Sukkah. The Temple David Hebrew School emphasises the importance of observing mitzvot and
practical application of what is studied during classes.
Some of the adult congregants also had the chance of fulfilling the Mitzvot of Sukkot. Under
the watchful eye of Rabbi Hillel Avidan congregants waved the Lulav, recited the blessings and
enjoyed some light refreshments in the Sukkah erected in the precinct of the Durban Holocaust
Centre and decorated by the learners of the Temple David Hebrew School.
Rabbi Avidan instructing
Levi Thom on waving the
Kayleigh Francis reciting
the Motzi blessing
Stephen Abrahams with
Rabbi Avidan
Rabbi Avidan with attentive
learners discussing the
significance of the Four
DPJC congregants enjoying
breakfast in the Sukkah
By Diane McColl
Recently the Netzerniks, under the watchful eye of Amy Groer, had a fun filled day out on the beachfront playing Pokemon Go. This
interactive game that has become a global phenomenon, played by children and adults alike using cellphones, proved popular with the
younger as well as older members of Netzer. Those who took part have said that everyone is looking forward to another Pokemon Go
meeting with Amy very soon.
To all members of the Durban Jewish community,
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you sincerely for all your
support and involvement in our events and initiatives throughout the
year. We look forward to working with you again in the New Year and
wish you all a safe holiday season.
SAJBD KZN Council Executive