Page 22-23 - Hashalom August (electronic)

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22 HASHALOM August
August 2016
By Cheryl Unterslak
DIVOTE partners bar and batmitzvoth around South Africa with young adults in Israel who become bar and bat mitzvoth. This is a very
touching and special project.
Its wonderful to see how the gifts and letters mean so much to the bar and batmitzvoth in Israel. Many of them stay in contact and connect
via email and by post. A few of the South African’s have also received meaningful gifts from Israel, one boy received a music CD that his
father had just recorded before he was stabbed to death outside their home, and another child received a girl’s small gemstone collection
which she said was her most precious possessions.
Below are a few photos of some of the bar and batmitzvoth with their gifts of love and support.