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April 2017
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Wishing you and your family
a Chag Pesach Sameach
Audit • Tax • Advisory
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15/03/2016 17:02:59
Management andStaff
wish theCommunitya
By Norma Bloch
Eden College
Dig, plant, water, dig! Tu Bishvat really turned our children into avid eco-
gardeners as they planted and tended their own succulent gardens. This
was the ideal Chag for us to engage in, at a school with Eco Platinum
Succulents were the plants of choice as they are water wise, grow in
most warm regions and are some of the easiest plants to care for. They
were a perfect match for our theme, which was: Making beautiful plant
gardens using eco-friendly and recycled materials.
Step 1: Pupils brought their own recycled containers to school.
Step 2: They had great time decorating them.
Step 3: They then went on to the serious work of creating their gardens.
As usual the pupils surprised us with their amazing ideas and creativity.
Our eco teacher was invited to admire their creations and awarded each
pupil eco warrior points, according to the level of effort and creativity each
project displayed.
While this was going on, the high school pupils were busy, slicing and
dicing up fruit for the Chag. From the raucous laughter and giggles that
emanated from the kitchen we could only assume they were thoroughly
enjoying their task (perhaps tucking in on the side?). I can only tell you
that we savoured each mouthful of their delicious fruit salad, so much so
that not a slice or dice remained!
And last but not least, the pre-school pupils also celebrated by decorating
their little pots and planting their succulents.
A most successful and rewarding day was had by all!
Until next month.