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14 HASHALOM October
AGM of the Durban Progressive Jewish Congregation
On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 the congregation of the DPJC held its
annual general meeting at the Durban Jewish Centre. The meeting was
attended by about 60 members of the congregation and representatives
of communal organisations. The affiliates of the DPJC presented reports
confirming that in spite of the move from Ridge Road and the temporary
nature of the organisation’s residence at the DJC it is business as usual for
the DPJC. Shabbat and festival services take place, weekly Hebrew School
classes are held, funerals and unveilings are conducted by the Chevra
Kadisha. The Sisterhood of the DPJC is preparing for the communal Rosh
Hashanah dinner and booking is brisk. The move from their home of half
a century and the sojourn at the DJC has presented challenges but the
executive and congregation have met these with the firm belief that the
congregation will be invigorated and strengthened by these challenges.
Lorna Harris, co-president, in her address noted that the move to the
DJC has been a plus in many ways. The fact that the DPJC is now part of
the wider Jewish Community and integrated into its life can only benefit
us all. She went on to say that the ’health’ of the congregation was very
good. Despite comprising only about one fifth of the Durban Jewish
population we are well represented in all facets of Durban Jewish life.
Lorna ended by urging all congregants to pull together and work towards
a vibrant future for the congregation of which she is certain.
At the AGM the congregation said goodbye to Ken Duveen who has
served as co chair with Lorna Harris for the past two years. Ken said in
his speech that although he had only been co chair for two years so much
had happened that it seemed like a life time. Ken thanked Rabbi Avidan
who is an inspiration to all with his vast knowledge and the energy with
which he serves his congregation. Ken & Lynne will be greatly missed.
And as we all begin the journey of
during the coming Days of
Awe the members of the Durban Progressive Jewish congregation wish
all a blessed New Year,
L’Shanah Tovah
Lynne & Ken Duveen with Ruth & Rabbi Avidan
Lorna Harris & Ken Duveen
Jeremy Droyman, Alan Cohen, Rabbi Avidan
& Stephen Abrahams
Rob Sinclair & Dennis Freeman
By Amy Groer
These past few months Netzer Durban has been a hive of activity!
In July Netzer held a Father’s Day Ice Skating event down at the
Durban Ice rink. It was a lovely event with the kids skating away
and fathers on the ice. There were a few falls here and there but
it all went down with a laugh and memories were made!
Our older Nezterniks flew off to the freezing winter that one
finds in Johannesburg to attend Netzers annual Winter Camp.
This was a cold yet special time camping and bonding. The
Netzerniks learnt more about the history and the different ways
that Netzer works. Our future leaders bonded and worked
together to move the movement forward.
Netzer also participated in the SAUPJ conference that was held
in Cape Town. Our current and new coming leaders met with
leaders of the progressive community and found ways to better
our movement. It was a meaningful conference with everyone
coming back ready for the final part of the year.
During September Netzer held a Pokémon Go event down
at the beachfront, which saw our youth walking and talking
together while catching the ever so famous Pokémon. On the
walk we enjoyed some ice-cream and the sunlight. It was a lovely
event and although technology was involved, it was good to see
everyone enjoying the beach and its surroundings.
We also held a craft session at the end of the month Brocha at
the DPJC, which involved making honey pots for the upcoming
Yom Tov. This was loads of fun, and we all enjoyed making Yom
Tov crafts.
Netzer Machaneh 2016 has been launched and we are so excited
for our summer camp! For any information on this please feel
free to
Netzer Durban would like to wish the Durban community Shanah
Tovah and well over the fast!
Amy Groer
Rosh Netzer Durban