Page 24-25 - Hashalom Oct (electronic)

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24 HASHALOM October
By Sylvia Collins
Beth Shalom held a wonderful Gala Concert on the 21st August 2016 at the Jewish Club. It was an outstanding event and everyone
enjoyed themselves. Lots of dancing in the aisles, to the tremendous talent our country has to offer. This was followed by a lovely tea.
We also had a successful AGM held at the Home on the 28th August 2016, our guest speaker was Cheryl Johnson who spoke about
Saving our Berea. This was thoroughly enjoyed. Mr. Stan Liansky, the President, gave an interesting talk about Beth Shalom and our
facilities on offer. Residents, guests and visitors listened intently and enjoyed what he had to say.
Colin Penn and Pinkie came and entertained our residents at the Home and this was enjoyed immensely.
The UJW gave the residents a lovely pre-yomtov braai held at the Home on the 7th September 2016. Delicious chops were enjoyed by
Ladies from Beth Shalom who have made
scarves for the children who are going through
Chemo, as we were told they feel cold and
need something warm around their necks.
Dr. Elaine Goldberg has knitted two beautiful
jerseys and is on to her third for them. A big
thank you to the ladies of Beth Shalom who
helped with this project. Mazaltov to Joan
Truscott; Anne Woolf; Sylvia Heyman; Dr
Elaine Goldberg and Gill Salakoff.
By Norma Bloch
Eden College
Mr Russel Wolman father of Sam, certainly knows his way around the kitchen. For our Rosh Chodesh Av breakfast he made us a
scrumptious breakfast and in record time too. He has generously offered to help us whenever he can and we will certainly be taking
advantage of his expertise in the future!!
Oren and Josh once again competently led the Shacharit service. We are always so privileged to have Shlomo’s participation and
support in all that we do.
For our Tisha Bav ceremony we all made a Kohen Gadol cut out with all the relevant garments. The pupils then ate the traditional egg
and beigel dipped in ash Seudat Hamafseket meal. As can be imagined, there were lots of “gross!” and “do I really have to? “being
heard. But they all managed to sample a bit of the meal before we went into the darkened synagogue where Shlomo gave a shiur.
Our children are so blessed to have a person of the calibre of Shlomo be part of all their celebrations.
I am thrilled to have Chani (Shlomo’s daughter) back with us for a short while. This charming young lady is a delight to have around, her
passion for her teaching is a joy to behold. Thank you Chani for all the knowledge you impart to our young students.
What could be more fun than ending the week with Challah baking. The pupils from grade 000 to matric participate with joy and
enthusiasm in this activity. The howls of laughter and spirit of comraderie does not deter them from the serious art of challah baking.
We wish our matrics luck in their upcoming trial exams.
Until next month.
carves for the children who